There is an abundance of scientific research supporting the benefit of challenging your brain. Some of these suggestions include learning to play an instrument or study a new language. The benefits of stimulating your brain include creating new brain cells and pathways, as well as possibly warding off future dementia. But what about the benefit for those who are already suffering from memory loss?
About 5 years ago, experts at Boston University, created a software app that does just that! The program, called Constant Therapy, is a software application or app that can be used on your iPhone or iPad. It was created to challenge the brain for individuals with mild dementia. In addition to helping those with memory issues, it can also be an effective tool for individuals recovering from stroke, traumatic brain injury or for those who have aphasia or other speech-language disorders.
Caring With Grace (CWG) staff has been using Constant Therapy with a variety of clients who have speech or memory problems. According to Rita Parsons, Care Manager with CWG, “We set the program up to work on specific issues and goals for each client. These may include language, memory, reading, attention and comprehension skills”.
Constant Therapy has over 65 categories of tasks and 10 difficulty levels to choose from. Family member David says, “My Dad recognizes he has problems with his memory. He actually likes working on his iPad because it’s something he can do at home and he believes anything he can do to help improve his brain is worthwhile. I’ve enjoyed working with him on the tasks whenever I visit”.
Rita Parsons remarked, “Once I set-up the program, most clients spend about an hour 4 to 5 times a week on the program. Each week when I visit, I adjust the program to make it more challenging if they are ready for the next level or I can decrease the level of difficulty if needed. I also add new components so it stays interesting and benefits the client’s various areas of need”.
For more information about Constant Therapy go to www.constanttherapy.com . You may also contact Angela Thomas, owner of Caring With Grace, at the Dallas address listed below. Our certified care managers are members of the Aging Life Care Association®, a national group of professionals who provide guidance to families caring for aging or disabled loved ones.